Clinic Information

Dear Parents/Guardians,

The forms described below must be on file prior to starting the new school year.

The Emergency Treatment Release/Consent to Treat information that you provided in the enrollment packet provides the school with important medical information and gives the school and emergency personnel permission to administer first aid when needed. This information is exported from the online Enrollment Packet through the FACTS Family Portal. All other forms listed on the right-hand column of this website need to be completed as needed and submitted to Nurse Ann.

The Authorization for Prescription Medication Form must be completed for any medication given at school on a daily basis.  A separate form is required for students who need to carry an Inhaler, EpiPen, or Diabetic supplies.  Please read the Medication Policy. Then, fill out the necessary forms located on the right hand side of this page, and return to Nurse Ann.

The Georgia Certificate of Immunization (GA form 3231) form may be obtained from your child’s physician or local health department. All seventh and eleventh graders and new entrants* to Georgia schools must have a Tdap and Meningococcal vaccine, prior to the start of school.  Students entering from out of state have 30 days to obtain a Georgia Immunization Certificate.  An out of state certificate must be on file in the clinic.  If your child has not been immunized for religious reasons, a notarized DPH Form 2208 must be provided.  Medical exemptions must be on the GA form 3231 and must be reviewed annually with a new certificate issued.  Returning students will have a certificate on file with the nurse and will not need a new one, unless the one on file is outdated or does not meet state requirements (such as 7th and 11th grade requirements).

*New entrants include anyone that is entering Georgia schools for the first time or is returning to a Georgia school after being gone for more than 12 months or one school year.

If you have questions concerning this information, please contact me at 678-893-7775 or by email at  Thank you for your cooperation.

Ann Hartin, RN
Mill Springs Academy School Nurse

Nurse Contact

Ann Hartin

Nurse Forms

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