Mill Springs Academy
“Not only has Mill Springs changed his life, but it has changed ours as well."
- Middle School Parents
“I could sense from the teacher's commitment to her academic, social & emotional success."- PreUpper Parent
“He has really blossomed at Mill Springs! We are so thrilled and incredibly proud!"
- Communication Arts Parents
“I do believe Mill Springs built his confidence and helped him not only academically, but socially. This was the best investment our family made."
- Parent of a Graduate
“What you do inside the walls of this school is incredibly special."
- Upper School Parent
"Everything you are doing is making such a difference for our child and our family."- PreUpper Parent
“I am so glad I have ADHD because if I didn't, I wouldn't be able to go to Mill Springs."
- Lower School Student
"The real trick is to inspire a student to want the knowledge so they learn it for their own benefit. You inspired him to care."
- Parent of a Graduate