College Counseling
Choosing a college is a complex endeavor and it involves the whole family.
Mill Springs Academy is committed to supporting each student and family throughout the entire decision-making process. Our college counselor discusses all paths available for students after high school, as it is important for us meet each students' individual needs. Some factors to be considered include college location, size, cost, and the ability to meet each student's unique needs. At Mill Springs Academy, we strongly believe it is important for students to choose colleges that are the right fit, and the selection may not be the most popular or well-known college. In order to find the right fit, it is crucial to look beyond the superficial qualities and delve into the offering and culture of different colleges. In Junior and Senior Transitions class, students are taught the fundamentals of the college search, application, and selection process. These activities, combined with parent input and college visits, help guide students and their families to make an informed decision.